Since 2000, the Public Art Network’s Year in Review has annually recognized outstanding public art projects through an open call submission and curation/selection process. Each year, two or more public art professionals are selected as curators to review more than 400 project applications of work installed or completed in the previous calendar year and select up to 50 public art projects that represent the most compelling work for the year from across the country. The Public Art Network’s Year in Review program is the only national program that specifically recognizes public art projects. The field is advanced by the commitment of artists to produce exceptional work, public art programs and administrators who facilitate public processes, and the curators all of whom dedicate time and thoughtful detail. The Year in Review 2004-2010 projects are available on CD in our online bookstore for use in educational contexts and for public art advocacy.
Two Ball Nogues projects top list by American’s for the Arts Public Art Year in Review
Two Ball Nogues projects were on the 2011 Public Art Year in Review published by American’s for the Arts. Table Cloth at the UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music and Cradle in Santa Monica, California were among 47 projects selected from a field of 430.
From the American’s for the Arts website:
The 2011 Public Art Network Year in Review Project List is now available. This year, curators Gail Goldman, Kendal Henry, and Richard Turner reviewed 430 submissions and selected 47 finalist projects. Goldman and Henry presented the projects at the Public Art Preconference and their presentation is available through Convention On-Demand. Included with the presentation are all images of the selected 47 projects, as well as project data and category descriptions of the jurors’ selections.
Year in Review Program Background: