BNS Lecture at USC “Informed Form”



Coordinated by Synthesis Design principal Alvin Huang, the USC studio course and its accompanying talks focus on the topic of “Informed Form”, which explores the various ways in which form is informed by a range of disciplinary, technical, and performative influences. 

Listed below are the second half of the lecture series. All lectures free and open to the public.

Feb 29
Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues / Ball Nogues Studio

Mar 7
Jimenez Lai / Bureau Spectacular + UCLA

Mar 21
Barbara Bestor / Bestor Architecture + Woodbury Architecture

April 4
Jenny Wu and Dwayne Oyler / Oyler Wu Collaborative + SCI-Arc

Lectures take place at USC School of Architecture, Harris Hall 101 on Mondays at 4 p.m.
For more, check out USC Architecture’s Spring ’16 Lecture Series.