Benjamin Ball will be speaking as part of the symposium ‘The Architecture of Performance’ held UCLA’s IDEAS campus in Culver City on Saturday, September 10th.
A symposium exploring the state of the art in performance related architecture and its inspiration for temporary urban space making and public spectacle. Organized by SUPRASTUDIO Mark Mack with Industry partner Red Bull.
Morning Panel: The Art of Performance
Peter Sellars
Jun Kaneko
Peter Noever
Refik Anadol
Afternoon Panel: Performance as Architecture
Benjamin Ball
Jimenez Lai
John McGuire
Raffi Lehrer
Alex Dahm
Gerald Casale
Free and open to the public. Reservations are required.
3961 Lenawee Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90016
T: 310.409-1604
Parking is available on site. Visit map here: