Ben speaking on panel “WATER IN LA: Surfurbia and The LA River” as part of Construction as Performance


Events: Friday, April 3  + Saturday, April 4

Construction Performance: Sunday, March 29


WATER IN LA: Surfurbia and The LA River

Friday, April 3 at 7PM

The county of Los Angeles is home to 70 miles of coastline and 51 miles of river pathway. Los Angeles has had, and still has, a complex

relationship with its waters: From the beaches— or Surfurbia, one of Reyner’s Banham’s Four Ecologies of Los Angeles— to the

concrete channels of the LA River, to the recurring challenge of drought in California. How do we negotiate today the channelization

of the LA River that changed the urban landscape decades ago? What revitalization efforts will change the future landscape? How do we

confront the privatization vs public access of beachfront territory? As LA is surrounded by water, how do we grapple with an ongoing

lack of potable, usable water?

Panelists: Benjamin Ball, Daveed Kapoor, Elizabeth Timme


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