Sci-Arc Gallery Installation to open in June

 Ball-Nogues Studio has been invited to create a site-specific installation for the gallery space at the Southern California Institute of Architecture. 

The opening is June 1, 2012 from 7-9pm

Exhibition discussion is June 25, 2012 at 7pm

Check out the poster

Watch the Sci-Arc gallery page for upcoming info.

 Yevrus 1, Negative Impression

Constructed from non-architectural artifacts, Yevrus 1, Negative Impression is a disposable architecture of literal references that calls into question the contemporary architectural vogue for digital complexity and abstraction. The cast impressions of 1973 Volkswagen Beetles and speedboats unite to form a strong structural whole that serves as a lookout tower in the SCI-Arc Gallery.

After studying a variety of objects withing the Los Angeles suburban-scape, the the designers selected the individual components for their iconic and structural potential, as well as their availability. Once chosen, the parts were digitally scanned in three dimensions and cast in biodegradable paper pulp using a proprietary technique the studio refers to as a “Yevrus”—the word “Survey” spelled backwards. With this work, the first in a series of experimental Yevrus projects, Ball-Nogues rethinks the purpose of the site survey. No longer seen as a simple tool for construction and engineering, the survey becomes an instrument for finding form, seeking structural stability and realizing iconic meaning.